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2002-11-19 - 4:41 p.m.

Hello. You might not realize this but this site or blog or what have you exists for a reason: To get me back into the creative spirit of things, and to get my mind off the War on Everyone and its potential to make life even more twisted and Orwellian (geez, you sure see "Orwellian" a lot these days). I have little talent in just about every realm, though in 1997 I won $1,000 in a poetry contest and my spelling and grammar are nearly perfect. But my limited talent can not surpass my even more restricted skills in html/gizmology, which I am also learning incrementally by creating this web page.

To add character to "L'Apple," I have downloaded a group of generic icons -- not realizing at the time that I have seen these icons on hundreds of pages already, and that by adding them I would probably detract from my page's limited uniqueness (oh, it's barren now, but just you wait). I don't want to use these icons to decorate my page -- but I don't want to disparage them, either. So for my first project, I will pick an icon from the icon bank each day, and write something about it until I run out of icons. And then we'll see what comes next.

So here's our first icon, the Paintbrush:

Overall it fills me with a little bit of hope. The brush is full and the colors are bright -- perhaps this palette is meant to decorate a baby's bed room walls with little horses covered in flowers. The last time I painted was ... was ... see, the creativity just kind of petered out around 1998, after the check from the poetry society ran out. When I was in high school I wanted to be an artist, and did fairly well with it in 9th grade. But 10th grade was different. By then, we were supposed to show skill, not simply mere enthusiasm. Mr. Pozun, our art teacher, didn't like me much and he gave me a C on my perspective drawing during the first term, forcing me to drop the course before it could be recorded on our report cards. I think I replaced the art class with a study hall -- now that's progress, right? I didn't want to harm my GPA, though ... the reason for so many decisions throughout life. At the time, getting a C seemed like it bring about my academic downfall, and I would be confined to the fryer for the rest of my working life.

Things are going to get a lot worse before they get worse. � Lily Tomlin

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