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Trevor Ngwane

War News
Peter Arnett Apologizes for Thinking for Himself
Protesters Discuss "Shock and Awe" Fast for Peace
Pro-Death Rally

Survey: Who's Reading This Site?
On Prisons
Embedded at City Hall: Some Outdated Satire (Recently Rejected by Eyeshot!)
How to Keep It Real: 15 Steps
A COUNTRY SONG About Steak and Jesus
BlogEditor (on Uber.nu)

New Stories

Coffee Shop 2001
Heroin Withdrawal, with Drawl
"Fuck You, Bitch."
Henry Cisneros & Topless Revelers
Men in Bhindis
Corporations, Cursing, & Hairy Legs
Bums Not Bombs

Old Thought
Wavy Gravy, Sheila Jackson Lee, Supergrass, and the Invasion
SxSW Crankiness
Game: Who's This Man?
Fun Birthday Questionaire
For Lonely Cyclists
Even More Little Thoughts
More Little Thoughts Lots of Little Thoughts
I'm Back, Like Arnold
Spanish Pith
Shizzolated Drivizzle
Fun at the Doctor's
In Sickness
News of the Feared
Mr. Bill & Mr. Bill, etc.
Suicide or Accident?
The F Word
WTC II: Super-Phallic Nightmares
W. Ho
Gallagher, Greyhound, & Bikers LLP
Vice Be Gone
Holiday Gift Guide
No-Fly Zone
Love Those Freedoms
Vibrators = Sin
What the Hell? (11/21/02)
Partnership for a Taco-Free America

Old Stories
The Time I Pissed off the Military
Sewing, in Three Parts
Looking for Uncle John
Johnny Guilty
Johnny Part II
Sad Hallway

Guest Corner
Der Voron
Ralph Aquinas

Three Bright Mice
Hey Washing Machine
Spam Poem
Send This to McSweeney's

My S26 Experience: Prague
My A16 Experience
Alternet: Jim Hightower's Rolling Thunder
The Poem That Paid My Rent for Four Months
From My Philly Protest Days: this and this

2002-12-25 - 11:00 p.m.

Spam Poem

Dedicated to Keith Richards ... not for any particular reason; I just like Keith Richards. All words copied and pasted from my trash box.

Hey Sexy--
No such thing as a free lunch. But here it is:
Very lill bithces.
This is not spam;
Subject has an exclamation mark.
Asks you to click below.
Talks about email marketing.
Nigerian scam key phrase.
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You want to look at this!
What are you afraid of? West Nile virus has nothing on the Anna Kournikova virus.
If you do not wish to receive any more,
I got my webcam setup.
Subject: Septic tanks (what you should know). Contains lots of white space

Car troubles always seem to happen at the worst possible time.
Protect yourself and your family
Find the truth about your neighbor and make your computer an income making machine in 2003.

Peace On Earth, Goodwill To All

Your Lil' Kim Update

The long-awaited album "Labella Mafia" comes out March 4.

Things are going to get a lot worse before they get worse. � Lily Tomlin

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