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Trevor Ngwane

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Peter Arnett Apologizes for Thinking for Himself
Protesters Discuss "Shock and Awe" Fast for Peace
Pro-Death Rally

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Embedded at City Hall: Some Outdated Satire (Recently Rejected by Eyeshot!)
How to Keep It Real: 15 Steps
A COUNTRY SONG About Steak and Jesus
BlogEditor (on Uber.nu)

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Coffee Shop 2001
Heroin Withdrawal, with Drawl
"Fuck You, Bitch."
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Men in Bhindis
Corporations, Cursing, & Hairy Legs
Bums Not Bombs

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Wavy Gravy, Sheila Jackson Lee, Supergrass, and the Invasion
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Game: Who's This Man?
Fun Birthday Questionaire
For Lonely Cyclists
Even More Little Thoughts
More Little Thoughts Lots of Little Thoughts
I'm Back, Like Arnold
Spanish Pith
Shizzolated Drivizzle
Fun at the Doctor's
In Sickness
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Mr. Bill & Mr. Bill, etc.
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The F Word
WTC II: Super-Phallic Nightmares
W. Ho
Gallagher, Greyhound, & Bikers LLP
Vice Be Gone
Holiday Gift Guide
No-Fly Zone
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Vibrators = Sin
What the Hell? (11/21/02)
Partnership for a Taco-Free America

Old Stories
The Time I Pissed off the Military
Sewing, in Three Parts
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Sad Hallway

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Der Voron
Ralph Aquinas

Three Bright Mice
Hey Washing Machine
Spam Poem
Send This to McSweeney's

My S26 Experience: Prague
My A16 Experience
Alternet: Jim Hightower's Rolling Thunder
The Poem That Paid My Rent for Four Months
From My Philly Protest Days: this and this

2002-11-26 - 5:36 p.m.

Gift ideas

Santa Claus will be visiting soon. If he does not get shot down by U.S. agents while trying to traverse the Crawford ranch no-fly zone, he will be bringing you and your families nice gifts. But Santa can't deliver all presents, or else the U.S. economy would suffer. That's where you come along, to raise consumer confidence and keep those cash register angels a-kachinging.

It's Time to answer the $64,000 Christmas question: What to get Mr. And Mrs. Haveitall? Making things harder this year is that you're Probably caught in the recessionary whirlpool, and will have to resort to giving home-made gifts or just very small ones that don't sparkle. Cheap gift ideas that might help:

* red, white, and blue chastity belt storage bag
* salt-dough tree ornaments molded into the shapes of top Bush cabinet members
* framed copy of the USA PATRIOT Act
* Bible in which all names of characters have been replaced by corporate logos
* Can of air freshener to mask stench caused by worsening exhaust fumes, increased smokestack output, and other results of recent clean air act gutting (we recommend a pleasant pine scent to commemorate logged forests)
* condoleeza rice-a-roni 12-pack
* "Pin the dick on the cheney" Party game
* John Ashcroft patriotic songbook
* Personalized magnifying glass to help read fine print regarding elusive personal rights
* Used copy of Al and Tipper Gore's Joined at the heart: The Transformation of the American Family

Things are going to get a lot worse before they get worse. � Lily Tomlin

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