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The Poem That Paid My Rent for Four Months
From My Philly Protest Days: this and this

2003-04-15 - 12:18 a.m.


For the past few weeks I've been having trouble feeling 100% in the world. Time passes and I get 1/2 of my daily agenda done. The future looks bleak. Been kicking out the phlegms for over a week. Even Luna bars can't fix this malaise.

Paid my taxes at the last minute, using the Turbo Tax system. It made me pay the feds $92. That hurt. I just gave the invisible tax Turbo some numbers and it spat back its own. How did the system just know "$92"? I hadn't filled out any questions or anything, other than wages, SS, and a few other lines. $92 is enough to buy a toilet plunger for Donald Rumsfeld's personal Pentagon bathroom. Or a big bag of pretzels for W. and the twins to eat on family TV night in Crawford.

Party Invitation

My friend Jose is having a party. "As a real incentive, I had this wackyzanymadcapscrewball idea that you must to come as a super-hero or heroine, preferably one that no one has heard of," he says.

"Here are some rejected personae you're welcome to use":

The Dirty Bomb
Hazard Light
Pink Triangle
Dr Glom
Naked Woman
The Raptor
Chick Magnet
Supply Cabinet
Toilet Snake
Paisley Fug
Johnny, Human Vacuum
Captain Starfish
Third Tower
Bombardier Buddy
The Karmic Avenger
Speedo Girl
Dr Spin
Echidna Boy
Entropy Gal
Quickie Lad
Coffee Boy
Velcro Vixen
Crocodile Gandhi
Diaper Damsel
Nay Sayer
The Unbelievable Smell

Things are going to get a lot worse before they get worse. � Lily Tomlin

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