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2003-03-23 - 8:38 p.m.

A Question for You.

As a reporter, should I now re-classify myself as "embedded" with Austinites? Or am I really "unilateral," freely roaming from one news hotbed to another? Some clarity would help. So please vote by emailing me here. By sending your preference you will help me stay current, and I promise that will make you feel really good about yourself.

Flag-flying Sociopaths.

Today some local patriots held a pro-death rally in front of the US Capitol. The signs I saw said "Go Bush." You know, like "Go Longhorns." Some of the signs probably said "Support our troops," too, but I think the main message here was "Faster, W., kill, kill!" The patriots were cheering so, so loudly, and they were smiling. This, on a day when a bunch of people both soldier and Iraqi died in the midst of combat. How anyone can stand for war is just beyond me.

A lot of weird stuff is happening around the Capitol lately. The other night I was riding my bike by the Capitol when I heard what sounded like late-model Pat Benatar oozing out of a stereo speaker into the underserving atmosphere. The music, I learned, was coming from a motorcycle commandeered by a man who had a Confederate flag flying from one side of his bike, and an American flag on the other.

"Look � it's our neighborhood Nazi!" I said to two men walking along the sidewalk. They laughed.

I think we'll have a Civil War soon. The two sides will be the police state opponents and the police state supporters. I wish it didn't have to come to that. Maybe it won't, if Bush & Co. start setting off the nukes. Then we won't have to deal with any more problems, because the only things left will be the cockroaches.

Despite the horrendous state of world affairs, I'm not that depressed. Don't know about you, but I feel like reality has taken a break, and for now we're all characters in a hyper-surreal morality play. The fakeness of the news has reached a new level. Super-duper turmoil everywhere. War on people's minds, on their TV screens (often the same thing). I don't know how to process all of this shit. So I just write country songs and show up at the rallies and report on them and hope that things will get better someday, that this cycle of evil will end.

Things are going to get a lot worse before they get worse. � Lily Tomlin

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